Empowering Success: The Crucial Role of Managers in Providing Resources for Employee Success

In many organizations we consult, employees struggle to get timely access to the tools and environments they need to do their work. Managers shoulder this seemingly simple, though often challenging practice. In their 2023 book, Culture Shock, Gallup authors share 16 predictive statements about important habits for great managers to practice. Statement #2 is, “I have the materials and equipment to do my work right.” If your teams strongly agree with this statement (a “5” on the 1 – 5 scale), you are heavily contributing to both the individual and collective success of your organization. Let’s explore how a high agreement score here is predictive of organizational success.    

1.Optimizing Efficiency:

Equipping employees with the right information and materials is a linchpin for optimizing efficiency. Ready access to the tools and knowledge equips teams to perform their jobs with the speed and accuracy they and their managers expect.  

2. Enhancing Job Satisfaction:

Imagine a scenario where employees consistently lack essential resources to fulfill their responsibilities. Frustration, dissatisfaction, and burnout are the results I see. Now imagine a manager who proactively ensures their team has the necessary tools, information, and materials. In contrast, these employees feel supported and valued. 

3. Fostering a Culture of Trust:

When employees perceive that their managers trust them with essential tools and information, a culture of mutual respect is fostered. Trust is a powerful motivator, inspiring employees to reciprocate by putting forth their best efforts.

4. Facilitating Continuous Learning:

Access to relevant information and training opportunities enables employees to stay abreast of industry trends and achieve personal mastery (one of Daniel Pink’s three ways to motivate knowledge workers given they are compensated fairly). The faster the rate of change, the higher the need to prioritize a continuous learning culture. Both managers and practitioners need to adopt a steep learning curve to learn and adapt. 

5. Promoting Innovation:

Empowering a team with the right resources is key to fostering innovation. When managers provide the necessary tools and support, they enable their employees to think creatively, solve problems, and drive the organization’s overall growth.

The success of an organization depends on the collaborative efforts of its employees. It’s the responsibility of managers to not just oversee but also to equip their teams with essential resources. This responsibility isn’t merely a managerial obligation; it’s a strategic necessity. Managers play a crucial role in cultivating a work environment that promotes efficiency, satisfaction, and innovation—a space where every team member feels empowered to contribute their best towards achieving shared goals.

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